We have formed strategic alliances with professionals with vast experience and trajectory in systems, finance, marketing, and human resources, enhancing our expertise for the diverse needs of our clients.
Through the strategic association with DATVIEW, a technology services company, with vast experience in the industry of software and tools creating aimed at automation and processes control, we combined our experiences and jointly developed the CEG Web accounting system, which allows us today to offer among our services the implementation of this accounting system, which includes the following tasks:
– Review of the client’s current systems.
– Parameterization of the chart of accounts.
– Data migration.
– Staff training.
– Technical support.
Through the strategic association with Masspotencial Consultores, an HR services company focused on selection and development of people, we jointly approached the search and selection of human teams, achieving the best fit for the candidate, both to the profile of the position requested and to the culture of the company. This allows us to offer the complete recruitment and selection process, which includes the following tasks:
– Raising the profile of the position.
– Recruitment of candidates.
– Curriculum analysis and preselection of candidates.
– Technical Test Application.
– Interviews of Psycho-Labor Evaluation by Competences.
– Checking job references.
– Presentation of the best candidates.
Through strategic association with professionals with a high level of knowledge and experience in the finance area, we have managed to offer services that complement our consulting service, which includes the following tasks:
– Valuation of companies (market value and fair value).
– Evaluation of projects and new businesses.
– Financial analysis and planning (financial and liquidity risk, conjunctural analysis, reorganization strategies).
– Cost analysis.
– Restructuring of liabilities.
– Modeling of financial statements, portfolio analysis.
– Operational risk.
– Credit risk.
– Strategic analysis.
– Acquisitions, disposal, restructuring and corporate governance.
– Strategy
We support our clients to develop solid strategies to approach the market.
– Strategic planning.
We help our clients to understand the full impact of the strategy implementation.
– Digital Marketing
We provide support to our clients in strategic and operational marketing planning. In addition, we collaborate in the execution of some specific activities.